WS is The AI & Bots Sponsor of 16th Brand Conclave

AI and bot sponsor

It’s that time of the year when CII’s Brand Conclave brings together the biggest brands in business to talk about -- you guessed it - branding. And this time, WS is an integral part of this extremely prestigious event as its AI and Bot sponsor.

Creating and managing a strong brand presence is crucial in the modern era, where brands have been found to outlive products. Marketers all across India wait for Brand Conclave, the leading brand management workshop in India. The workshop is in its 16th year and this time, the event has on board none other than Paco Underhill.

Underhill, the revolutionary retail guru, has advised some of the biggest Fortune 100 brands and is the author of the international bestseller, ‘Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping’. Like everyone else, we at WS, are eager to hear Paco Underhill share his smarts with us!

The role of AI and Bot sponsor for Brand Conclave suits WS to a tee. After all, along with a strong presence in mobility and digital marketing, we have eagerly entered the AI arena with our very own bot platforms and products.

Some of our most popular products are Zoe, our secure customer bot platform by AI, and Gecko, the Video Interview Bot. Zoe is a flexible and powerful platform that can be used to design, create and manage text and voice bots.

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