Why Use Drupal?

Drupal is ideal for SEO-based web development projects. Here is a rundown of some cool features of Drupal that makes it a perfect choice for your WCM requirements.

Custom Content Views — The Content Construction Kit (CCK) and Views Modules help you create new content types and design advanced custom views for them without the need to write any code. A few examples of "content types" are "blog posts", "news stories", "forum posts", "tutorials", "classified ads", "podcasts".

Improved URL Control — Drupal allows complete control over URL structure. Each item of content in Drupal is referred to as a node and can be assigned a custom URL. You can also automate custom URL structures for each different content type with the Path-auto Module. Unlike most content management systems, Drupal has content pages with clean URLs.

Taxonomy — Drupal has a powerful categorization system that permits you to organize andyou're your content. Each Drupal "vocabulary" can be restricted to certain content types. Drupal's improved taxonomy features allow you to optimize your content with all long tail keywords.

Revert option — Drupal can be configured to save a new version of your page every time they are editing. That means that you can revert to old versions if you want.