The Monday on the 14th April, 2014 was no different from any other. The Web Spiders team did however wake up earlier than usual, shrugging off the Monday morning blues as they got ready to attend the Annual Town Hall meeting at the swanky new Pride Hotel. Â Strategically situated at the heart of the IT hub at New Town, Kolkata, It was not mere happenstance that this venue was chosen. The new Web Spiders' towering high-rise under construction is just a stone's throw away from this venue.
One might argue this show of strength was long in coming. "Taking Pride" in what we do and "Being Proud" about who we are, formed the ethos of the opening address of the CEO and keynote speaker, Siddharth 'Sid' Jhunjhunwala. Â Sid took the team down the memory lane with a fantastic collage of pictures that portrayed Web Spiders' journey from its humble beginnings to the behemoth that it is today. A picture they say, is worth a thousand words and as Sid scrolled down this photo album he reminisced about the times when Web Spiders was this fledgling company working out of a small office in Chakraberia. He voiced out the traits that are unique to this organisation, and have been the driving forces that have propelled this nondescript startup to the lofty eyrie it now finds itself in.
Speaking of these rarified heights and the story of our ascent here, Vice President Satarupa Sen remarked on the customer centric attitude, the focused and single-minded dedication towards clients and the eye for the minutest detail that separate the Web Spiders Group from its competitors. Various department heads took to the stage later in the day and spoke about the amount of effort and dedication that every team puts in behind every project, ensuring customer satisfaction and forging long-term partnerships. Mr. Vijay Jhunjhunwala, Director of Web Spiders, Â gave a short speech about office discipline. Â More than anything else the event provided a platform where people from different branches of this company, got to meet each other "unofficially", many of them for the first time. Â The event was interspersed with lovely music and a rather inspirational presentation by the Chief Editor of Web Spiders.
The day ended with upbeat joviality and gourmet cuisines from Pride's much acclaimed galley. The words which mayhap had been left unsaid but which were, very much part of the undercurrent of emotions felt, was a rather simple message: Web Spiders has arrived and is here to stay.