Upcoming Blackberry OS 6 Browser Passes HTML5 Test with Flying Colors

Blackberry users have waited long enough. And now, the wait is finally going to get over. Research In Motion (RIM) has announced the launch of a brand new browser that will be bundled with the much-anticipated OS 6 scheduled to start shipping from mid-August.

In a recent test conducted by Endgadget, the new browser from Blackberry showed amazing support for HTML5, the emerging web standard that has got everybody from web developers to app builders to bloggers really excited.

The outcome of the Endgadget scrutiny has given Blackberry much to celebrate. According to the scorecard, OS 6 scored 208 out of 300, followed by iPhone 4 with 185 and HTC's Incredible with 151.

Seriously, there's a lot to look forward to the new Blackberry. Touchscreen, OS 6 and a brand new browser! It's okay to drool, folks.