Understanding your Drupal Website

The Site Building section of your Drupal site will contain sub menus called Blocks and Menus. A "Block" is similar to a WordPress widget, except that it needed not be coded in manually. They are created through modules in a Drupal site. Blocks contain different sub menus like Region, Garland, Pushbutton, List and Add Block.

Region refers to fixed areas of a webpage like header, footer, page content and sidebars. This option lets you redesign your webpage faster. Garland and Pushbutton are two different themes where you can save your preferred Block or Region layout and view previews of how it would appear on your site. List lets you view and change the settings of your site's current Blocks. Add Block lets you customize your site faster by allowing you to add different types of text like RSS feeds, slideshows, and advertisements from Google. Â The Menus sub menu lets you create and save shortcuts to frequently used features of your Drupal site.

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