Event2Mobile Ensures CAS 2012 Is A Better Experience For The Visitors

We've been deploying our Event2Mobile platform to allow event managers and delegates go mobile. With this application downloaded on mobile devices, the organizers of any particular event and the ones visiting the same event, do not need to carry paper maps, brochures or any other documents which give them event-related information. They can view the same details via their wireless devices.

Recently, our Event2Mobile platform was used to offer hassle-free experience to event speakers and attendees at Click Asia Summit 2012, Asia's biggest digital and mobile marketing conference. The mobile event guide was available at the iTunes App Store and was extensively downloaded by attendees of Click Asia Summit. This way, the visitors were able to escape the trouble of carrying paper maps or brochures informing them about the event agenda, speakers and so on. They got all that information on their iPhones.