Do you have a business website built using Drupal, and are planning to get it mobilized? The idea is certainly great, but make sure that you get the basics right. Mobilizing Drupalwebsites is a piece of cake for experienced developers, more so because of a set of special mobile tools provided on the platform. However, you need to decide what you wish to put on the website first. Here are a few pointers to help you with that:
First off, decide on the age group you wish to serve with your website. Would it be a website aimed at teens, or senior citizens, or the people in between? Also decide which mobile platforms you wish the website to support. Each platform usually has some unique requirements, as well as features.
Secondly, find an experienced team of developers that can handle Drupal modules with ease, especially the mobile tools. The person or the organization should have at least quite a few years' worth of experience in the field. Also, have a look at their previous projects, to ensure that they are able to provide quality work. That would go a long way in ensuring that your project is in good hands.
Make sure that the website is tested before it is made accessible to visitors. The testing should be carried out on all major kinds of mobile handsets and operating systems, to ensure maximum performance under a wide range of platforms. Your website should not slow down when a lot of visitors are trying to access it simultaneously. If you have to sacrifice a few fancy features to ensure that, so be it, but never trade eye-candy with a drop in performance.
So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, and get your business website built and hosted using Drupal ported to mobile platform today. This would be one of the best steps you ever undertook to increase the flow of traffic to it. Get started now!