The mobile marketplace is evolving rapidly and businesses are increasing realizing potential of this powerful new medium. The rate of mobile phone adoption is on a steep upward trend, and global penetration of mobile phones is set to surpass $3 billion in the next few years.Analyst firm Juniper Research predicts that smart phones will account for 23% of all new handset sales by 2013. Apple, the company that redefined the "mobile experience" with their iconic iPhone, has announced new features which will turn the iPhone into an eCommerce engine, through a groundbreaking technology that allows financial transactions to be embedded inside the applications themselves. Not to be left behind, competitors like Microsoft, RIM, Nokia and Palm are on track to launch their newest offerings.IBM predicts more than 50% of its consumers would substitute their PC based Internet connection for a smart phone by the end of 2009. Chris Lennartz, VP at Airwide Solutions, predicts that revenue from mobile messaging services will grow up to $212 billion by 2013, ensuring a simultaneous upward trend in mobile eCommerce. An independent survey commissioned by Airwide Solutions found that 5.6 million people in the EU already access financial information from their mobile phones - a 23.6% jump compared to last year.Users are becoming more comfortable in using their mobile devices onto make online transactions. The Nielsen Company found that more than 9.2 million Americans have used their mobile phones to pay for goods and services. The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) has also added 28 new members this year representing a variety of segments including agencies, technology providers and popular brands like Sony Pictures Entertainment, Omniture and Synovate... clearly indicating an increase in interest and participation in 'mobile commerce' or mCommerce.The growth trends identified for mCommerce point towards application purchases having the highest salability factor. 86% of iPhone users have made at least 1 app purchase of up to $10 while 83% have downloaded up to 6 apps in the most popular categories. The other upcoming trend is location based mobile advertising. The idea is to incorporate a multimedia and multi-platform approach to ensure that it becomes a natural and valuable extension of the consumer experience.How can mCommerce help you?• Efficiency increase - Increasing the efficiency of the daily routines of employees to use 'dead spots' in the day, e.g. during the daily travel to and from workplace.• Time-critical situations - Services to perform urgent tasks in an efficient manner, irrespective of the current geographic location.• Spontaneous decisions and needs - To fulfill requirements that involve purchase decisions involving small amounts.• Context-specific services - Services, which are specific to a given context (e.g. time of the day, location and the interests of the user).The Web Spiders mCommerce Advantage• Over 200 engineers and Rich Apps Designers• Lower total cost of ownership• Best-shore delivery model• Leaders in RIA/ RMA development• Over 100 ISVs servedMeet us at IRCE 09 to discuss technologies related to iPhones and other smart phones, and how your business can leverage mCommerce through innovative and useful mobile applications. Visit for more details.