McWhoppering your Social Media Presence

WS Blog post 4

The dream of the McWhopper may have died, but the idea got us thinking. What would the McWhopper of a social media strategy be? Of course, there’s no single perfect social strategy (we ourselves have said so repeatedly), but it’s fun to try and come up with something as close to one-size-fits-all as possible.

Facebook (The Patty) – Without the world’s most popular social media network (by a mile), your social strategy is incomplete. Facebook is the meaty center of your social media McWhopper, just like it should be.

Twitter/Instagram (The Cheese) – While technically not critical to a burger, can you really imagine a McWhopper without cheese? Both Twitter and Instagram are snappy and immediate, boasting high engagement among the youth. Go with both, or any one, but never neither.

Pinterest (The Tomato) – What’s a burger without a bit of red? Pinterest lets you add visual flavor to your social media strategy with high resolution images, infographics and more. Oh, and women LOVE Pinterest, with some studies suggesting 50% of all online women are on the platform. So for a brand looking to target women, Pinterest is a critical piece of the puzzle.

YouTube (The Lettuce) – Some can go without it, but with the rising importance of videos in your social strategy, YouTube is just as important as crunchy lettuce is to a good burger. Videos make your social media strategy interesting and allow you greater freedom to create interesting content. Speaking of which…

Great Content! (The Bun) – This is a bit of a cheat, but great content is really what holds a social media strategy together. Owned content like videos, newsletters, infographics and yes, blogs drive new leads into the funnel, increases trust, establishes thought leadership and creates long-term fans and brand advocates. However, this holds true only if it is great content, which means it should provide value and make an impact.

Creating great content begins with having a well-rounded content strategy. For tips and case studies on how you can build your own content strategy, check out the video of our latest webinar here, or go through the slide deck here.