Web Spiders - Lighting up Silicon Valley!

Web Spiders - Lighting up Silicon Valley!

Web Spiders began sponsoring various events across the globe at the beginning of September this year. Our long journey is barely in its middle stages now. From Dubai to Boston to Vegas to Santa Clara... wherever we've gone, the response has been fantastic. Our exhibitions and discussions on RIA and Flex technology drew enthusiastic crowds; and we conducted detailed deliberations with representatives from the retail industry on "Say No To Refresh", new technology that allows your website or web application to work like a desktop application, thereby making page loads unnecessary and delivering a rich, highly interactive Web 2.0 experience.

We've had a fantastic time sharing our experiences and expertise with RIA practitioners from all over the world. As we continue our journey, one thing is clear. Rich Internet Applications have established their roots very deep already and Web 2.0 is bringing a whole new dimension to user experience on the Internet. As technology moves inexorably forward, we shall continue to sponsor key events worldwide in an attempt to revolutionize user experience.

You can visit Web Spiders to learn more about how RIA can benefit your website.