June 2009 saw the number of third-party apps in the App Store reach 50,000... and it's still growing. With app developers earning anything between $250 and $2,000,000, many are all set to open shop. But halt! Such instances are more of an exception rather than the norm. UK-based online game consultant Adam Martin observes that 33% of iPhone App developers earned less than $250, while 52% earned less than $15,000. Only a mere 1% earned anything between $50,000 - $2,000,000.According to his survey, most of the apps were being created by developers who did not have previous experience in app development, and are being lured by the prospects of making some quick bucks. 59% of the teams had a size of 2-5 people, while only 1% had 21-50 people as a part of the team. Rarely does a 5 person team have specialists in all the core areas, like code, design, art, and project management. Quite naturally, this hampers the quality of apps being developed (which ultimately gets rejected by Apple Inc.) Needless to say, this results in a colossal waste of time, energy, and money.Neil Young, a specialist iPhone apps developer, puts these applications in three categories. He says, 'the first class is the "Good, frequently updated dollar games that stay at the top of the charts and are backed by dedicated communities and developers." The second class "is premium games which have higher price tags and are released at key times of year, like Christmas". The final category is simply "everything else," the riffraff that comes and goes on the top apps list but usually comes from developers who don't quite know what they want.'Which brings us to the bottom-line - it's always smarter to work with seasoned developers and professionals if you want to actually create a high quality app. Have a great idea that'll rock the iPhone App Store? Develop it the smart way - Talk to the experts @ www.webspiders.com.