There was a time when there were only a few places where you could spot the book worm—poring over dusty volumes in libraries, lapping up the adventures of a medieval explorer or perched on the window sill engrossed in the duels and intricate mind games that characterize a 21st century corporate thriller. Now he has more places to catch up on his reading—in the car while waiting for the traffic lights to turn green or at the park or the coffee shop waiting for someone to turn up. This is all courtesy the iPad apps that have revolutionized the realm of publishing and the world of the book lover.
The influx of iPad apps to aid the publishing industry couldn't have come at a more opportune time. Digital books or eBooks are steadily gaining in popularity; in fact, the New York Times reported in July 2010 that the sale of eBooks on far outnumbered that of hardcover books—180 eBooks sold for every 100 hardcover ones—and that too, consistently for 3 months. Some crystal ball gazers in the publishing industry feel that by the next decade, more than 75% of all books sold will be eBooks.
iPad apps have been quietly making inroads into the eReader market since the inception of the device. In fact, in the first 3 months it has been on the store shelves, avid book lovers have bought more than 1.5 million books from Apple's online store. As ChangeWave Research reports, iPad and its entourage of apps to appeal to the book lover have already bagged a 16% share of the eReader market. It has raced past the Sony Reader (10%) and is breathing heavy behind the market leader, the Amazon Kindle (62%).
The Midas touch of iPad apps has also notched up readership figures in the world of web-based magazines and periodicals. As per the numbers quoted by ComScore, these figures are a paltry 3.8 and 2.1 minutes for and But with iPad apps, readers are spending almost 60 minutes online on these titles.
iPad apps deliver an interactive, engaging, and immersive reading experience to the discerning user and the digital publishing industry is all set to make a thumping revival soaring on the wings of these nifty applications!