How Android and iOS are Ruling the Mobile OS Market

Google's Android and Apple iOS have both gained considerable popularity as mobile operating systems over the last few years. As of now, both are duking it out for winning over as many users as they can, among the 76.8 million smartphone owners in the US. So far, both have been going neck-to-neck, with iOS winning in the categories of click through rate (CTR) and effective cost-per-mile (eCPM). The former stands for the percentage of occurrences of an ad that get clicked on by visitors, whereas the latter refers to the revenue earned by a particular developer for every 1,000 instances of their advertisements.

Android is not lying too far behind, either. This operating system wins over its competitors in terms of Global Fill Rate (GFR), which essentially applies to the number of ad impressions that are occupied by advertisements, and average app life cycle, which essentially refers to the number of months for which individual apps are downloaded by visitors from the app store.The following infographic, created by the mobile ad mediation platform inneractive, should highlight this epic struggle in all its glory.

That's all for now. Keep checking back frequently for more updates on the ever changing world of mobile operating systems.