From Web Spiders to WS - a 15-year Journey (More than 100-feet!)

Year 2000. Web Spiders was a name that stuck in the minds of visitors at trade shows. It made interesting conversation as we explained our creative logic for branding ourselves after our eight-legged friends. Over the years, Web Spiders became a name that we used extensively in conversations, in reams of paper and of course, online.I remember how upset we would be if anyone spelt the name in any other way except Web Spiders. It was an identity, close to us, and a name that stood the test of time as we grew from a 3 people start-up to close to 300 today.Year 2015. Time flies. Today Web Spiders covers services in mobility, web and as you might have already guessed, content. Somehow, the name surrounded us like a comfortable shirt, which we had outgrown with the passage of time and maybe it was time for a burst of new creativity as well.360 degrees. Complete end to end solutions for marketers is the way Web Spiders evolved. Thus it was natural for us to look at a circular structure and one that could still contain the strong remnants of a name that stood the test of time.

Web Spiders to WS - Rebranding

The simple line of celebrating 15 years, completed the 'look' for us and once again, we had a talking point when presenting the company to new clients.Like all things tech, acronyms are a way of life. Thus Web Spiders moves to being WS, still retaining the old as it gets a new coat of paint. To top it off, the complete rebranding exercise was done in-house, and of course, we were a nightmare to work with as a client!~Kavita Jhunjhunwala