Flexible Web Designing With Ektron CMS Smart Forms

The fact that XML technology can retain the same source yet change the display is something that is contributing to its popularity day by day. Web designers have a great tool at hand in the form of Ektron CMS Smart Form (XML Config.). This tool gives them the freedom to maintain a structure and still design without any borders. It also gives content editors the freedom to create XML content and manage it effectively even if they do not possess much knowledge about it.

Ektron Smart Forms can be of use to web designers in two main ways. In the first the same data source can be used in order to generate a different output. Through the second way content editors can choose a layout using multiple Smart Forms. There are endless possibilities of web designing with Smart Form. XML/XSLT is a very useful technology that enables web designers to use it to their advantage with Ektron Smart Forms.

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