Crazy Cool AI-Based Features of Sitecore that Help Deliver A Buttery-Smooth Customer Experience

AI for Better Customer Experiences

Either we can follow slow and manual methods of doing businesses or implement smart ways, backed by advancing technology.

Rapid digitization doesn’t allow us to go with the former option. We need to outpace our tech-savvy consumers and go beyond their expectations.

AI or Artificial Intelligence can help us offer enhanced customer experiences.

AI to Make Our Businesses Super Intelligent in the Blink of an Eye! Is it So?

Some expect that AI can don the hat of a tech-evangelist and make businesses super intelligent, overnight! This is not at all a realistic expectation.

Preparations are needed to fully utilize the benefits of AI in businesses.

Advanced features of CMSs (Content Management Systems) like Sitecore 9.0.2 can help us with these preparations.

CMS and Futuristic AI

Content is still the king and will continue to rule digital space in the coming years. AI can be used in the following spheres:

1: To automate content creation and distribution processes.

2: To publish content on multiple channels.

3: To self-assemble web pages.

4: To make the workflow more dynamic.

5: To get more accurate predictions on next moves.

Technical and marketing people are gung-ho about AI without having a clear vision. While there is no doubt about the benefits of AI-enabled methods, how to and where to implement them are still unclear.

Seems like we need to ask right questions and find out if we are ready for an AI-future?

Are We Ready for An AI-Future?

Question 1: How extensible is our CMSs?

Question explained: A CMS closely works with a CX (Customer Experience Platform), an eCommerce solution and a CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Hence, extensibility is a big priority of a future-ready CMS.

Question 2: Do our CMSs have the right architecture?

Question explained: To automate content creation process, machine learning algorithms need to be updated about specific properties of content types. It is easier to do this on a CMS platform built upon an Object-Oriented architecture.

Question 3: Is our data ready for an AI-future?

Question explained: There are some criteria for data to be fit for an AI-driven environment like they must be clean, structured, organized and tagged.

Question 4: Are we ready to expand our budget?

Question explained: Machine learning is a continuous process. Trials need to be done for new updates. Such trials are usually expensive. To make them affordable, we need robust and scalable cloud resources.

Time to Find Out the Answers

Answer 1: It’s not like we can aim AI towards a huge data set and get bombarded with business insights. Priority of AI-enabled analytics is to find out patterns in data scattered across multiple channels.

Only a flexible and extensible CMS can support this feature. Such CMSs can easily integrate, collect and connect CX data from CRMs and eCommerce solutions.

Answer 2: CMSs with an objected-oriented architecture can distinguish content into distinct elements. Objectives are to identify content elements, analyze, tag, cross-reference and rearrange them.

Units of content simplify the process of content regeneration. No need to write new content for different channels. Content recycling is possible.

Content units also boost content optimization. CMSs with an objected-oriented architecture can easily analyze impact of content units and offer suggestions on what types of content work best.

Answer 3: Machine learning algorithm should be AI-trained so that it can self-learn and self-improve. This is only possible if data is structured and organized.

Data sanitization is very essential.

We must work towards removal of data silos. There is a need for data standardization across all departments.

Answer 4: It takes a huge processing power to analyze large sets of data. Prior to the advent of cloud service providers, the total cost used to be out of the reach of small and medium scale businesses.

Better to plan a budget smartly. To hire an enterprise-scale cloud service is like to maintain a white elephant, in particular, those who’re not running business-critical processes need not have to gravitate towards giant service providers.

Advanced features of Sitecore 9.0.2 can help us welcome a future defined by AI. To know more, one can get in touch with a Sitecore certified solution partner like us.

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