Rising infrastructure costs and rapid changes in technology are encouraging more and more organizations to move to the cloud. As enterprises spend more and more on cloud technologies, cloud computing itself is undergoing major changes at a rapid pace, becoming faster, stabler, and more secure.The latter half of 2018 will be an interesting period for cloud computing for these reasons. Below are a few trends that we feel will dominate cloud computing during this period.Cloud storage capacity will be amplifiedThe growth in the usage of cloud computing services will make cloud service providers’ offer more storage than before. According to the Cisco survey, the estimated stored data on clouds would be 1.1 ZB by the end of 2018. The cloud space which would be available by this year end is double than what was there in 2017.5G internet connection will be a common phenomenonApart from expecting faster internet connection, in the latter part of 2018, you can expect more of 5G internet connectivity. Stronger internet network quality will surpass your expectations by providing highly-responsive and fast-loading services and mobile apps.The rise of the Internet of Everything (IoE)Before his demise, the iconic and legendary Stephen Hawking stated that the popularity of IoE will rise in the near future. IT professionals like you will experience its growth in real-time data analytics and cloud computing in the second half of 2018.Cloud computing services will assist cyber-security2017 saw an alarming rise of cyber threats which included the CIA Vault 7 hack and, the WannaCry ransomware. Cyber threats like these resulted in the implication of stronger security measures in the cloud computing industry in 2018.2018’s second half is set to witness more robust security from cloud computing service providers. Usage of malware detection systems and security information & event management (SIEM) will be implied.Cloud-based container systems will be mainstreamThe latter half of 2018 will see cloud containers becoming more mainstream than ever. It’s not only because it can assure a better infrastructure security but also for something greater.Cloud-based container systems are an immediate substitute for virtual machines. It deploys quickly and is reliable. A prime reason for which this trend will dominate the latter half of 2018 is that cloud computing service providers are capable of offering hosted container management services.With rapid evolutions in cloud technology, it is no longer enough for enterprises to simply move to the cloud - it is also important to have skilled and experienced resources to manage cloud migration and maintenance.Cloud++ is a cutting-edge cloud computing service from Web Spiders which provides complete infrastructure as well as 24x7 staffing on demand. It also provides maintenance, migration, and development of cloud on request.