Celebrating The Spirit Of The Game

All work and no play makes spiders a dull lot!

We know this, big time. And so we left no stone unturned when we organized the first ever Web Spiders Football League, on the 4th of August (Saturday). The event was a HUGE success. Everybody was present on the field - project managers, web engineers, content developers, digital media executives, and of course, there was Sid, our dynamic CEO.

It rained buckets, but barely damped our spirits. Forget fun in the sun, fun in the pouring rain is what went on for nearly three hours as we kicked, tackled, slipped and slid our way around the field, punctuated by screams of "GOOOAAAALLLLL!"

The spirit was competitive, with everyone having loads of fun, irrespective of whether they were kicking the ball, or watching it flash by. And of course, a scrumptious lunch of Biryani ensured EVERYBODY went home a winner.