Assessing iPad Apps

Since the launch of the iPad, there have been more than 3,000 apps launched specifically for it. Most of these apps are available for free and are modified, depending on how the user turns the device. Since the iPad is a touchscreen device, it requires creative methods of navigation, apart from the typical swiping, flicking, and pinching.

Most of the apps have simple tutorials on how to use them. They take advantage of the bigger screen and incorporate many paneled layouts, fly-out menus, and 3-D pictures with text. Ads also appear in the newspaper and magazine apps. Some of the best apps for your iPad are Popular Science, NPR app, WSJ app, USA Today app, Pandora's iPad app, Marvel Comics app, Scrabble for iPad, Real Racing HD, Skype, and Houzz Inc. app.

For more details on these apps, click here.