Dear Friends and Colleagues,A Very Happy New Year 2010!As we send our wishes to colleagues and clients, we all very well know that only positive actions can truly make the year "Happy". Â I am very pleased to list some great events and actions below at the start of the year - both on a business and personal front. (Blame it on PowerPoint... I use bullet points for everything now!)1. Bangalore Office: In January we start our Bangalore office in India, in addition to our Kolkata development centre. I am also very pleased to welcome back Sadhan Biswas as VP. Sadhan had left Web Spiders 2 years ago to join Accenture, and rose to the position of a senior manager. He has happily confirmed that Web Spiders easily tops in both the quality of projects and fun and learning @work. We are glad that he has joined back. Incidentally, we have also won against Accenture on client projects, due to our agility and flexibility in both service and new technology.2. NY Move: We are moving our East Coast US Office to Manhattan, New York. I will share more on this later. For now, we look forward to resonate with the energy of Big Apple which has always been motivating.3. New Year Gifts: Every year we send out gifts to our clients in the December-January months for the festive season. This year, we did things a bit differently and donated money to child-welfare related local charities on behalf of our clients. In the US we gave $100 per account and in the UK a consolidated GBP 1000 to the Rainbows charity. Majority of our clients wrote back, thanking us for this gesture. I'm really glad this was appreciated and we have now decided to find more opportunities throughout the year to help children and others in need.4. Nabadiganta Flyover: Have you noticed the colorful look of the new Nabadiganta flyover? It's Kolkata's first colored flyover, and Web Spiders helped the city to make its choice. Kolkatans voted overwhelmingly for a 'cream with rust pillars' color scheme, along with a green zone below. You can click here to read the Times of India coverage on the flyover and Web Spiders' innovative solution.5. Web Spiders Mission: Finally, we have been doing a lot of introspection in December, and though the world economy is coming out of the global slowdown, we know and understand that things will not be the same. We have set strategic targets for the next 2 years and aimed to accurately define what we do best, which has resulted in a mission statement which will be published on our website shortly. Our competencies of Mobile Software Development, Rich Apps using Flex/AJAX and Enterprise Content Management all become the tools or competencies to deliver our mission.Here is a version for your quick review (though actual words might be tweaked a bit in the final version).Mission Statement: To drive revenues and profitability of our clients, by providing product development and digital marketing services, through a best-shore model.With Warm Regards,Siddharth Jhunjhunwala