3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Upgrading to Ektron 9 Right Now!

Every version upgrade of Ektron comes with its own assorted set of goodies. Not surprisingly, version 9 won't disappoint you either, considering that a number of features this time around were developed according to user feedback. We'll get to details soon, but in a nutshell, Ektron 9 packs a tool set that will allow you to manage content of all kinds across multiple channels (think site, blog, social networks, and so on), implement targeted delivery of content according to visitors' interests and keep track of all site stats with the help of powerful analytics tools. So now, let's have a closer look at what Ektron 9 brings under the hood, shall we?

An overhauled PageBuilder

First off, the PageBuilder has been given a good overhaul, ensuring native support of responsive web design (RWD). If you haven't heard about RWD yet, it refers to the way of designing and coding a website such that it always resizes elements automatically, in order to fit the dimensions of the device being used to access it. So, someone using a desktop computer to visit your website will see the navigation looking different than someone browsing your website on a tablet. The menus will be rearranged differently; the images will be reduced in size or displayed in full sizeinflatable tropical water slide for sale, all depending on the available screen real estate. Not just that, designers will also be able to 'preview' every page after they are done coding them, allowing them to see exactly what the site would look like to a person using a smartphone or a tablet device.

A new 'Persona'

Ektron 9 allows you to track which types of content are drawing in the maximum number of visitors, as well as the pages most visitors are being attracted to. Now, you can use these variables to create personas, which allow you to quickly target the every kind of visitor with the right kind of content they are likely to enjoy the most. If a few of those pages are from your ecommerce section, chances are you would see a steady increase in the amount of revenue you make from the site.

Site search made easy

What good is a website full of content, if visitors cannot quickly locate what they are looking for? Besides, the quicker visitors can find content they wish to consume, the greater the chance they would stay longer on your website and possibly even convert to paying customers! Unfortunately, most search technologies are notoriously difficult to implement. Ektron 9 seeks to change the bad rap that search modules get. Ektron Search is built on the basis of the SOLR framework and comes already pre-configured. The result is a hassle-free 5-minute install, followed by 10-15 minutes spent caching the content of the site (a large site with huge quantities of content might take longer, though). Once these are over, searching for any content and accessing is as easy as 1-2-3!

Considering the features mentioned above and the ease of install that Ektron 9 offers, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out this CMS is likely to vastly improve your experience of hosting a website. The CMS is already available for download, so if you are looking for a hassle-free way of managing your website, you should go download it right now!